Neguse (寝癖 - Bed Hair)

Sep 27, 2019 18:06

Somehow I often have a 'neguse' (寝癖).

Since 'ne' (寝) means "sleep" and 'kuse' (癖) usually means "habit," the literal meaning of 'neguse' is "sleeping habit."

Here, 'kuse' is also used for hair, and in which case, it means "bent hair."

If you say 'kuse no aru kami' (癖のある髪 - "hair having 'kuse' "), it means "wavy hair."

Commonly, the term 'neguse' also implies one's hair (after sleeping) -- it can be translated into English as "bed hair."

Sometimes my hair looks like it exploded when I wake up.


「寝」は "sleep"、「癖」は "habit" を意味するので、「寝癖」の文字どおりの意味は "sleeping habit" になります。


「癖のある髪」と言うと、"wavy hair" のような意味になります。

実は「寝癖」という言葉も髪の毛のことを意味しており、英語では "bed hair" と訳すことができます。

No. 1 Kento's correction
In Canada we call this, "bed head."
Thank you for letting me know!
I learned something new. :)

  • Neguse
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Somehow I often have a 'neguse' (寝癖).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'ne' (寝) means "sleep" and 'kuse' (癖) usually means "habit," the literal meaning of 'neguse' is "sleeping habit."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Here, 'kuse' is also used for hair, and in which case, it means "bent hair."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If you say 'kuse no aru kami' (癖のある髪 - "hair having 'kuse' "), it means "wavy hair."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Commonly, the term 'neguse' also implies one's hair (after sleeping) -- it can be translated into English as "bed hair."
  • Commonly, the term 'neguse' also implies one's hair (after sleeping) -- it can be translated into English as "bed headhair."
     we more commonly say "bed head" not hair but other than that this is perfect!
  • Sometimes my hair looks like it exploded when I wake up.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you for the correction! :)